Hi Everyone

If I can introduce myself, I am Martin O’Farrell, the newly appointed law enforcement and security adviser for Kinesense. For the past nine years I have been working at the Home Office initially as the Senior Business Change Officer for forensics within the National Police Improvement Agency and then as Capability Adviser for security in the Centre for Applied Science and Technology (CAST). My role has involved advising UK, European and North American law enforcement and security agencies on business processes on the use of CCTV and also introducing police forces to academia and industry to encourage collaboration on new and innovative methods of detection and identification through CCTV and video

I think we are all aware of the demands placed upon the police service to produce more results with less resources, and I feel that certainly in the post event analysis of crime scenes or identification of people or objects that video analytics proves invaluable. Throughout my travels in the UK and Europe I have seen some fantastic examples of police officers and staff making the optimum use of video analytics saving not only money on resources but perhaps even more precious; the time saved bringing offenders to justice.

Being a “New comer” to industry will bring its challenges for me but in many ways, I feel as if I am fulfilling the same role. I am passionate about bringing the law enforcement into closer collaboration with Kinesense where both parties will benefit from exchange of ideas, data and innovation.

As we all know technology does not stand still. The advent of deep learning algorithms has opened the door for opportunities to identify people or objects in a varying degree of scenarios far more accurately than technology currently allows. One of my first tasks here at Kinesense is to progress the research and development of people, objects or behaviour through deep learning algorithms. I hope to meet as many of the forces as possible who currently use Kinesense products as well as the forces who are currently showing an interest with the intention of finding out what you consider your most pressing operational challenge with video analytics, and working together through ideas and data sharing we can overcome them.

If you want to make contact with Martin, he is available at  martin.ofarrell@kinesense.com