Another big new feature that we’d added to 3.2 is Face Detection & Attribute Search. It’s similar to Face Recognition in set up, you need a 3rd party server to preform the detection and find the attributes, but its not about finding people in the database. Instead it finds any faces in the video and then identifies different attributes associated with that face, like age, gender and if they are wearing glasses.


To import a video with face detection, select it from the list of algorithms in the import wizard.

Like face recognition, you can adjust the face analysis settings. To learn more about this, check out our face recognition import blog.


In the Review tab, every face Kinesense has detected will show up as red events on the timeline. A red box will surround the face and Unknown will be displayed on top, indicating that it is a face but it’s not associated with any face in the database. To see the results of the attribute search you’ll need to view the results in the Grid tab, which we’ll be getting into next week!

For more information, check the video “Kinesense Face Detect and Attribute Search” on our YouTube channel.